It's A Lot Y'all

Episode 1: Dead Mic, Makeup Mishaps, and More

January 11, 2023 Ali Dee Season 1 Episode 1

In the debut episode of the It's A Lot Y'all podcast, Ali Dee and Producer Nicole talk about their working relationship, how they met, and what their jobs with both the Dallas Mavericks and Dallas Cowboys entail.  They dive into a few recent blunders including a dead mic, makeup mishaps, and more. Plus there was some major star power in the house sitting courtside. 

ali dee:

hey everybody, welcome to the, it's a lot y'all podcast. I'm Ali Dee I'll be your host, and with me throughout this podcast will be producer Nicole. Hi everyone. Nicole and I worked together in live production in sports, and, we just have so much that we wanna share on this podcast about all the things that we go through and the things that happened during our live productions. And I wanna kick things off with talking about how we first met, because I think people need to know how we met. How we work together and why this whole thing has come to be. I mean, we are so excited. We've been talking about this podcast now for weeks. We are finally doing it. We're finally doing it, and we're just, there's no time like the present, so let's just go for it. Dive right in. Okay, so Nicole and I met. In live production for sports. we work together. For the Dallas Mavericks and we also work together for the Dallas Cowboys, which is where we got our start, our friendship. And we've since been working together for about two years now. Yep. And we've just noticed that through. All of our happenings in the entertainment industry and being in sports, entertainment, all of like the amazing fun things that happen and we just thought that it would be cool to bring you guys into that. Talk a little bit about that talk also about some personal stuff, some beauty stuff, fun stuff, things that happen to us along the way. when we're working together, I am on camera. So I am the host for both the pre-game show that we work together on for the Dallas Cowboys and also, um, In Arena show for the Dallas Mavericks, and in both those situations, I'm on camera and Nicole is my stage manager. So that means she's behind the scenes. I mean, tell us a little bit about your role as stage manager. Yes, so I basically help Ali just make sure that she is ready to go. Did I mess up already? No, I just think it's funny how you said, I basically help Ali, like, golly, no. Yes. So I basically am there to make sure that everything happens on time and when it, and execute it correctly. I'm there to help Allie. Cue her to make sure in case she cannot hear that she is up and ready to talk and just kind of keep everybody, on time and ready to roll. so I'm behind the scenes. You don't ever see me in front of the camera, but if you're ever at a Mavs game or even at the Cowboys, I'm right alongside Allie. Cueing her, ready for her. So, yeah, so Nicole's job is so important to me because basically she's the lifeline. I do have an I F B so I can hear what the producers are saying, um, or what they're calling it, the games, or it's specifically the MAs games. But, They're not right there next to me and so you are right there. So if I have any questions or need anything at all, you're always like the first person to hop in. Nicole is so helpful. You guys. You need to know this. Like she is like you love your job. I do. I love my job and I am so thankful every day whenever I get to help assist. Especially with two of the biggest teams in Dallas. Like I think about it all the time. I'm like, how lucky are we to be not only helping out with the NFL, but also the nba? Like the best of both worlds I know, and not just in Dallas. I mean the, this is like top five market in the country. So yes. I mean obviously the Dallas Cowboys are pretty much, you know, the most well-known sports league in the entire America, America theme. I know. It's so cool. So we, say that not to like be braggadocious or anything, we've both. Working you know, a long time in the league and in our careers and we've gotten to this pinnacle. So I feel like we're excited we can share about it. Cuz now it's like, eh, we're older. It's not like we're bragging, right? Like this is the reality of our lives, And you know, for me, I've been working in sports. For over a decade, almost two decades now. You like five, six years, something like that. Yes. Coming up in like five, six. Well, going into like my sixth year in sports, which is great. And what the crazy thing about sports, not to cut you off already, but, and you might have to get used to that um, is just. The fact that it's like, it, it's like seasons. We're going through these seasons and it just rolls on and on and on in the blink of an eye. 10 years have gone by. I know. It's just, it's kinda a repetitive thing. One season ends, another one begins. Yeah. And like a couple months ago when all the se, like all the sports were happening, that's like the best time of the year cuz everything just kind crosses over. So not only do we do cowboys, like cowboys game one week and two or three games mavs the other like the same week. So there's just so much going on. It makes it so much. Yeah. Right now I think we've done five games in seven days. So it it's a lot. It's a lot, y'all. Yes. It's a lot y'all. It's a lot Y'all. Okay. speaking about that and, and talking about, you know, what our podcast is gonna be about and all the fun things that happen. So in Nicole and I's Lives when we are either at the Dallas Cowboys or the Dallas Mavericks, there's always a lot of, I don't wanna say it's like controlled. Right. Control, chaos is the perfect word. Yeah. Yeah. And it's just because there's a lot going on behind the scenes that fans or the audience isn't really privy to. And I think that, I kind of feel like if they knew all those things, like maybe they would be like, dang, this is really hard to put on a basketball game or a football game. Yes. I don't think people. All the people and all the work that it takes to put on such a show. Yeah. Um, it goes down to the nitty gritty. I mean, it, everything goes back down to the second and people don't realize that. So it is, it can be control, like really chaotic, but I feel like we do a very good job that the audience never knows, like Right. The show goes on, the show goes on once you hit the court and once you hit the stage, like there, that's it. You know, the, the lights come up and all. Controlled chaos is just out the window and we just, we have to nail it. We don't have a second chance, a chance Ok. So one thing I wanna say that's so different about live sport is that it's, it's very interesting to me because it's kind of like twofold. So not only are, for example, For me, in my position, not only am I worrying about being on camera, so your normal on-camera stuff that you have to deal with when you're just you and the camera. Um, like if you were hosting, you know, a TV show or a newscast or something mm-hmm. but you're also, you're doing that while you're standing in front of 18,000 people. So it's not like you're in a studio by yourself and like you have, I mean, it is like, I don't know how you do it, You're in a room with thousand people and you're on camera. and you have like two minutes to not mess up anything you're saying because there's a lot of people that put a lot of efforts that go into my, my little two minutes on camera and I don't wanna mess it up for them. And you're on the big screen so everyone's eyes are on you. It's a lot. It's a lot. Y'all It's a lot y'all. Oh, speaking of everybody's eyes being on you. Okay, we just need to touch on what. When the mic, the mic, the mic. Oh goodness. First of all, let me just preface this by saying everyone that's been on camera, like one of your worst nightmares is when they, you get cued by Miss Nicole and she's like, go, and then you start talking and you're like, Hey everyone. And it's like, Dead air. Okay. Can't hear dead air. Okay. So let's just paint the picture of what happened to me the other night, which this happens like once a season. This is not something that happens very often. Never, never. And this is the first time that this has happened. Yeah. Um, but this has happened, like I said, maybe once a year. Okay, so let me just, no, let me just paint the picture because it was here. I am just thinking this is gonna be great. All right. It's halftime at the Dallas Mavericks game. So during halftime, the lights, first of all, first of all, I do wanna say this. Yes, it's halftime at one of the biggest games yet this season. Oh, we're playing the Phoenix Suns, who is number one at the time. Right. So huge. Best team in the league. Yes. This is like best in the league. This huge matchup, you know, Luca, the, the, all the things. Yes. Okay. So it's a big game for us. We want everything to go smoothly and things. I feel like things already had kind of been going well, but there were a few hiccups leading up to that point. Remember we had like the mic switcheroo and the i fp switcheroo? Yes, we're not gonna talk about that, but yes, you had to be little hiccups leading up to that point, but nothing, nothing on camera, like everything was handled behind the scenes. So now here we are. and it's halftime. I'm in my, you know, shiny, super shiny outfit. I got the heels on and Nicole's leading me out to half court, right? Because we're gonna do this at center Court, we're going half court. First time that we're doing this at center court with the spotlights on Alley, right? So typically she's off to the side and we might have like our spotlight on our, our handheld camera, but this time we decide to bring her half court. So front and center. I mean, all the lights are shining on her air. I think we even called for a spotlight to make sure it picks up Allie. Right. Okay. So you guys are getting the idea. This is very dramatic. So I'm walking to the center court, you know, I, and listen, this may not be how it is for the fans, but in Nicole and I's Eyes, this is what it's like. We just feel like everybody's watching. You know, like they're, listen, they're probably getting popcorn, they're having a beer, they're going to the fan shop. They're not necessarily watching what you and I are doing at this moment, but for us, it's like the most important job in the world. So, You feel like, we feel like all eyes are on us, so we're strutting out there. You know, Nicole has her headset on and I'm looking out there with my mic. And let me just tell you, this game was on tt, I think TT was. Yes it was. Yes. Ok. So they were in the building. When TNT is there, they've got their broadcast table right at half court, right at like, um, right center court right there. And so that's where they plant me. They plant me in front of all the T n T broadcasters, right? Super. So right in front of their. Right in front of their desk. they're looking at me. Then next thing I know, I'm getting set and here comes Mark Cuban. And by the way, he does not come to this area very often. He usually skid. I also had to say it's my first time that I've ever seen him, that close in person. Right. So I'm like, What is happening? I know. So he's, he's normally ske, daddling off to his area for halftime, and then he comes back out, you know, once the players come back out. But this game in particular, I see him walking across the court and he's my boss, right? So I'm like, okay, here comes Mark. So we've got Mark Cuban in front of me. We've got the T n T broadcasters in front of me. We've got the spotlight, the lights are out. Nicole is getting ready to cue me. All things are looking amazing. I'm feeling good. I've got. Outfit on. And then next thing you know, Nicole with the Cue q, Allie. So here I go. I grab the mic and I'm like, I'm using my pen. And I'm like, ladies and gentlemen. And then it's nothing, just dead air. And that's what it feels like. People just dead quiet staring at you. So I've got T n T, I've got Mark Cuban and I've got 18,000 people staring at me. That's what it feels like. And then Nicole, Boom. Q Alley and then again, Q Alley, ladies and gentlemen, as I'm trying to introduce the halftime act, what happened? And then you just kept queuing me over and over and stopped queuing her. I know. So I think on our end, people were thinking that the might not, not. Was probably not raised or alive. Right? So they kept telling me, Q Allie again, Q Allie again. So I think we were trying to go for like four times to get the mic right until we realized that this mic is not coming on. Something's happened. Yeah. Nicole is incessantly cueing me. Like she's just over and over, over and over. I mean, I. Go ally. Go Ally, try again. Let's do it. Every single time I'm giving it my best effort, you know? And because I'm just thinking, man, I'm just gonna kill it in front of these people and my boss and everything. That's gonna be great. And then the, the saddest part of the whole story is we never get the mic to work. So it wasn't a volume situation. The mic died, right? It was a dead battery. The mic died, which shouldn't have happened. But it happened. No, it happened. So it died. It died. It happens once a year. So here I am thinking that I'm just gonna be like the world's biggest star for 20 seconds as I introduce the halftime act and the mic is just dead. And so then I just do the walk of shame off the court, you know? Cause I was the shame off. What? No, I was on the camera. For what felt like an eternity, just repeating the things and then I start and I'm, I'm like, are people laughing at me? What's going on? I mean, I, again, I've been with Maverick, it could've been a couple seconds, but it was such a moment that it felt like forever. It felt like forever. Oh, but the beauty of live entertainment. Of course we never want the mic to die or ever wanna have audio issues, but our PA announcer, Sean was there to jump right in. Yeah. So, so thankful for him. If something like that was to ever happen, Sean is right there on the PA to jump right in and announce the halftime. Yeah, so that's what happened. And eyes. Thank goodness. I mean, gosh, we didn't have Sean. I know, but in our eyes it was such a moment, but, and I guess in the fan's eyes, they would've never known, right? Because Sean just went right ahead. Well they did see me on camera trying over and over. We did see you on camera. They did see you on camera. Right. So we did the best we could. We have an amazing team and we did try to, we do piece it back together. Sean saved the day. I did the walk of shame off the court and you know, that was that. And those things do happen. It's just they usually don't happen when your boss and everybody is there speaking. Everybody being there. also, we had some major superstars in the house that night. Superstars? Yeah. Oh my goodness. Okay. So o BJ was there. Odell Beckham Jr. For y'all, if y'all, y'all don't know his nickname. He is an amazing football player and he was there courtside and he was with a couple of the Cowboys players. I think it was Trayvon Diggs and Micah Parsons. Yes. And I think what was going on was they were trying to woo him. To become a Dallas Cowboy. Right. Because, I mean, I think he's currently not with a team. He was in town. Yes, he's, right now he's a free agent and he was in town on a visit with the Cowboys. So it was a kind of a big deal that he showed up courtside in front of everyone next to some star cowboy players. Right. And we also put him on camera and recognized him. So that was really cool. I feel like the fans were like definitely the co-captains in this situation because they were. Want him. They were going crazy for o bj. I saw o bj signs in the, in the audience. I'm like, what is happening? How did everybody know? A great moment. Yeah. I mean someone leaked. I'm that, I'm not sure. Yeah, someone definitely leaked that. I think I saw like Bleacher Report post about it first. But yes, the fans were going crazy. And then can we just talk. I'm sitting in our entertainment tunnel. So across the way is where o, BJ and some cowboys players are. Yes. And I mean this is like on the complete opposite side of the court. They were next to the sun's bench, right? Yes. They were like the four seats. Oh, right, right. Which I think those are Jerry Jones seats actually. So I think they were in his seat. Really? Yeah. So he's next to the visitors. I didn't know that. And yes, right there. Okay. And they had amazing seats. I mean, oh the, I mean the best. They were right there by the scores table. Right? But speaking up, I'm looking over and I am seeing these like blinging diamonds and I'm like, who is this? Do you know who else was at the game? Who, which no one ever talked about. Corey Gamble. Who's that? Chris, Allie What? Chris Jenner's boyfriend? No. Do we not watch Keeping Up With The Kardashians? I mean I, oh my gosh, that was Chris. Oh my gosh. Jenner's boyfriend there. Yes, that was him. OJ and the two bj. And the two Kai was, and y'all, when I tell you these diamonds were shining like shine bright like a diamond because. I can't even guess how much those necklaces cost. Oh, I know, but you were amazing. Could literally see them shining. I know. Insane. But I think I was more like wooed by him being at the game. And I was also curious, like maybe he was at the game because Kendall and Devin date, so I'm not sure. Oh, tie there. Okay. Right. Yes, that is, we think they're so together. You're so hip. Excuse me, I didn't know that about you. You're not. I try to keep up with it. I know Producer Nicole with all the good tidbits of information today. I love it. yeah, it was just really cool to see, all those guys there. It was so cool to see all the fans cheering for him, trying to get him to join the team. I know that would just be, yes. For Star Power for the Dallas Cowboys. Yes. The fans were going, going crazy. Yeah. And that one moment, the whole o bj. Oh, BJ broke out and it was crazy. No, it was so cool. I was like, wow, we're really doing this. They put him on camera, like I feel like it was really a great moment for him and a great moment. Hopefully it helps him make his decision if he wants to meet the Dallas Cowboys or not. I know he's, Hey, he did the latest that I know he left Dallas still as a free agent, but who knows who's to say what's gonna happen, right. I think that it was mainly due to his avail. Availability, right. To play the rest of the season. But I think still he's definitely somebody that a lot of teams and coaches are looking at. Yeah. So fingers crossed, maybe we'll see OBJ in Dallas. I know. That would be so great. And just to, yeah, just to reiterate the fact. That like I, now I under, okay, so now the diamonds thing is making sense because I was like, wow, this is just a lot of diamonds in one, you know, in one foul Swop. And he, like Nicole said, we were all the way across the court and it was just like, you could barely even look onto the court cuz they were just blind. You, I don't know. How are the players like, not, excuse me. Can you turn your flash of your diamonds off please? Cause the flash is blinding me. We talk all the time about the lights underneath, the scoreboard. Yes. And how bright it is really on the court with those players playing. Yeah. And I'm like, okay, I think these diamonds might top, I know they just need, they just need, can we borrow your diamonds and hang'em from the court so we can get enough light on here? Okay. Talking about the Cowboys players being there, let's take it back to you and I at a Cowboys game and. What that show is like. Okay. So that show, just to let y'all know, that show is totally different than what we do at the Dallas Cup. Way different. Way different. Yes. Um, so this is a three or four hour, depending on what time kickoff is live show where Nicole, is the producer of that show as well slash stage manager. So you have a lot going on for that show cause you have to handle a lot. Not just in charge of me. All the games come through, right? Yes. So this, it's a really, really cool show. Yeah, it's okay. So just to paint the picture, it's outside on the East Plaza, which is the east side of the stadium. This is where we get a lot of traffic coming in. Yes. And and I was gonna say, if you find yourself at the Cowboys game, make sure to enter through the east. Hi, to come see and all. Exactly. And we have a great team over there. And so we have a pretty large stage there. It's nonstop. We have an amazing dj, DJ Elusive, he's awesome. Just have a great team over there. All, everybody, you know, from all the stage, hands, sound, everything, it's a, it's a huge production over there as well. Everything with the Dallas Cowboys is always a big production, but it's always excellent. They have the best of. And so I've been with the Cowboys now for, I don't know, 6, 7, 8 seasons, and then we lose track of time. But I've been hosting the show and I have so much fun cuz we, like at the Mavericks, it's very scripted and regimented and it's very strict. Like the timeouts are like, you know, Two minutes. It has to be. It has to be, yes. If anybody knows the game of nba, it has to be that way. Timeouts are super strategic. Right. Okay. And now with our show where the pre-game show, we're just rolling for three hours live. So we have a lot of like time where we can just do anything that we think is gonna be good and entertaining and fun. And of course we do get a script, from the Cowboys telling us what we need to do that day and we get reads and all kinds of things, but we have a little bit more, a lot of. if that's a word, freedom at the Dallas Cowboys Show. So we're outside. It's really fun. We're in the elements. Sometimes it's freezing, sometimes it's windy, sometimes it's raining, sometimes it's super sunny and hot. You never, you never know what you're gonna get. It's Texas. We never know what kinda, it's hot. Yeah, it's a lot y'all. You never know what kind of weather we're gonna get, but, We always make sure to, really bring our best, our A game for that as well, because you just never know who's gonna pop in, pop by, walk by. You just wanna make sure you're, you are creating the atmosphere that all the fans feel before they enter the stadium. So it's a really, it's important. Like you can't just be out there. Big deal. You gotta be, yeah. you know, you gotta have a lot of energy. You gotta bring it, check everybody. Get everybody excited for the game. Yeah. And bringing the energy into the stadium. Exactly. So it is a big deal. And I mean, talk about the, I like the things that we have going on in the pregame show. We always have our Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders. Yes. We got the D C R B and the Dallas Cowboys Rookie squad. We always have a rowdy appearance, so we have a ton going on. Yeah. And we have so much fun doing it. And just like Allie said, we have the best team. Yeah. By the way, um, rowdy is our mascot and he. He's, he's a star. Best in his own. He's a star. I mean, when Rowdy hits the stage, it is like, I don't know, I'm gonna say Britney Spears. I don't even know if that's someone who's really popular, but it is like a, Taylor Swift is here. Like it is a big deal. Very true. I mean, all the fans are, you know, rush the stage. They wanna get their picture with him. So shout out Rowdy fan. Yes. Cause he's really just made an impression, like, people just love him. People love Rowdy, they get. For Rowdy. Yeah, they do. Did I just make that up? I dunno. That's, that could be his catchphrase. Let me write that down. Rowdy for Rowdy. We'll do, we'll use that next game. But yes, give me some. It's just a super fun show and we love being a part of it. Actually, uh, by the way, I was gonna tell you we are not friends anymore because the other Yeah, the other day y'all listen to this story, listen to how Nicole did me wrong as my stage manager slash producer for the Cowboys Show. So I was running a little bit behind that day and, I had put my makeup on quickly and was hustling to, I, I'm a planner. So we had a lot going on. We were doing like N F L fan of the year out there. We had Captain Morgan and also, yes, we have a lot of people in the house, but I do wanna just touch on that. Me and you are both planners. Yes. We like to have everything go smoothly and everything lined up right. There is a train going by in my little small town and uh, there's nothing I can do about it. Hopefully he doesn't too. His horn too long. But this sounds like when the help boys make a, make, you know, a touchdown, a touchdown's. Perfect timing. So just to, to basically say Nicole and I are planners, we. Though we, um, do a lot of things off the cuff, it may seem that way. It's not in reality because her and I like to know what's going on. We like to have things written down. We like to meet with anyone we can meet with. We like to get all the information. We don't that work so well together. We don't like surprises. Some, some people are very easy breezy and like they're just go with the flow and you know, just, no. We're like, no. We wanna know the who, what, when, where, how. We wanna know where everyone's supposed to be. We need to know where's the camera, who's coming out to shoot it. Like where are the lights? We need to know all the things. Yes, yes. So with that, so with that being said, you missed a major detail here. I know. Okay. I know. So lemme just tell y'all what happened. So I have my makeup on. Like I said, it was a big, it was a big show because we had a lot going on and most importantly we were doing the N F L Fan of the Year promotion, which is really, really cool. We can, we can talk to you more about that another time, but some, yes, yes. Such a cool promotion that was going on. Plaza and they were entrusting me with a lot of information. They wanted me to, you know, interview him and do a lot of things. I ha I wanted to make sure all that was going on. So, anyways, put the makeup on and I'm starting to meet with different people before the show, just kind of clearing my head, making notes, figuring out what's going on. So I'm talking to Captain Morgan. They have two reps. I'm going over and talking to some ac, other activation people. I'm, I, you know, I'm having breakfast with everybody. Okay. All. Then, then I walk into our tent, right? We have this small tent where I can go in and get dressed and changed and um, get my makeup on and all that kind of things. And in there was one of the mascots who is on the East Plaza. And so I'm having a conversation with him. I pop open my compact to just, you know, do a little touch up. Y'all. I had contoured my face right quickly in the bathroom inside the stadium. I forgot to blend out the contour on my nose. Okay? So I had like runway strips down my nose, dark. You know it ladies, you know what the contour is? Hey, couldn't even tell. Hold on guys, I couldn't even tell. So Nicole, let me for a good 30 to 45. Walking. I mean, I think we had like a 30 minute conversation. Just me and you. Oh my gosh. She let me walk all around the stadium, all around the plaza, talked to all these important people with two stripes going down my nose that luckily the armadillo, as I was talking to him, I was like, oh my gosh, what's this? He was just sign languaging. He was going, yeah, what? What's this? And I. Of all the people in my universe right now, the armadillo mascot, who's there for one of, I think it's Reliant Energy, one of the sponsors. Yes. He's there for them. He beebo around the plaza. He's the one to tell me what's on your nose, Allie, what's on your nose? Okay. I don't know. Let me look. Oh my gosh. It's my contour, you guys. I was mortified. I mean, Nicole said she didn't notice, but let me just tell you, as someone who's I did not notice That's your job to notice. I'm, so, anyways, I went, it's went straight to you. And I was like, we are not friends anymore. Like this is, you know, next level. You let me do that. I, and I had no clue what she was talking about. Oh my gosh. I'm sorry Allie. I will make sure moving forward that everything is intact. Yes, y'all, I have your back. It is a lot, y'all. I have a lot going a on before all these, all these different things that we do and the slightest little thing like that just made and, and we laughed about it. Oh my gosh. We laughed and laughed cuz I just thought I cannot believe that I, how many people? Oh my gosh. I'm going back through how many people I talked to. You know, random different things leading up to that point. But thank goodness for the armadillo. Like round of applause for him. I know he just brought it home for me. He saved the day and um, we got everything. Oh, it is a lot. We laugh so much though. I will say that we have so many funny. Stories. I know so much happens. It's so great and I mean, that's what this podcast is really gonna be about moving forward. Nicole and I always get into these, you know, really fun situations that we just think sometimes you gotta hear the behind the scenes stuff, you know? I know, like, I mean, like I said, in in, in front of the scenes, everything may look like. I don't know, what is the word? Ponies and butterflies, but reality is, it's a lot's going on. It's a lot y'all. So, um, Hey, Jamaya, y'all. Yeah. I feel like, you know, we did a good job covering all the things we wanted to talk about and just rolling through. And if y'all, you know, Hopefully you've made it this far, right? I mean, you're at the nice Hopefully you're with us. You're still with us here. Um, cuz it's just gonna be so much fun. And we are of course on all the social media platforms at It's a lot y'all. So you can find us on Instagram, on TikTok, Facebook on Instagram's gonna be really cool though, cuz that's what we're gonna throw up most of our like behind the scenes stuff. Stories. Mm-hmm. um Things that go on where we can reference like, Hey, go check our stories, because we just post it about such and such story we just told inside. Look. Yeah. An inside look. And that's gonna be the best way to reach you or I,, I know, you know, hopefully we'll get questions as the audience grows. People wanna be more involved and come see us. If they're at AABs game or at a Cowboys game, we would love to see y'all. yeah, I mean thank y'all so much for joining us in this first episode, Nicole. I mean, We did it. We did it. We got the first one under the belt. We are here. We're here y'all, but we are here. Yes. It's a lot y'all. We are here. We're gonna be here throughout all this, you know, the, the rest of the cowboy season. The maverick season. A lot going on. Thank y'all so much for listening and don't forget to please. Subscribe and like this podcast. Give us a review. Five stars. We need five stars. I feel like it's our first one. We need stars like we did. Five Star Entertainment. Five. Five stars. Exactly. Thank y'all so much for joining us and we'll talk to you next time.